
When Is It Safe to Have Sex After Treating Chlamydia or Gonorrhea?

Many people wonder when it’s safe to have sex again after being treated for an STI. This article explains when you can resume sexual activities after treating Chlamydia or Gonorrhea.

After Treating Chlamydia

It is advisable to abstain from sex for the first week after Chlamydia treatment. This includes the week following the day you took your last dose of medication. The bacteria can remain in your body for up to seven days after finishing your treatment, still posing a risk of infection. Masturbation can also be risky during this period as it may cause small tears in the mucous membrane that can become re-infected if the bacteria are still present. Therefore, we recommend abstaining from all sexual activity during the first week after treatment. If in doubt, consider getting re-tested for Chlamydia. While GGD and general practitioners may not offer a follow-up test, it is available at The Tester.

After Treating Gonorrhea

The bacteria causing Gonorrhea generally clear from the body faster than those causing Chlamydia, typically within 4 days. However, if the bacteria are resistant, it may be necessary to restart the treatment. Therefore, we advise waiting another week after completing Gonorrhea treatment before having sex. This helps minimize the chance of becoming re-infected.